Episode 37: The Griffins Go To Springfield

Episode 37 Website

The Simpsons/Family Guy crossover episode has been hyped for quite a while now.  Did it live up to expectations?  We’ll tell you what we thought and give you our reactions to the Hotline Miami DLC for Payday 2, the announcement of Windows 10, and Star Citizen becoming the most funded crowd sourced project of all time.


Episode 31: Porn No More


It takes devotion and dedication to eliminate pornography from your life, and Steffan has decided to do just that.  Find out why he’s made this life-altering decision on this weeks GLR.  In addition to the geek news of the week, it’s time to talk horrifically bad SyFy movies with this week’s Cinemabortion™, Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark: Monster vs Machine.


Episode 27: Always a Bridesmaid, Finally a Bride


In an era of crowd sourced media, there is often concern regarding projects that may not deliver once they are fully funded. Recently, the popular YouTube series “The Yogscast” came under scrutiny after they were unable to deliver on a game that they funded through Kickstarter. The Geek Lord crew tackles this as well as many other topics from around the geek world before jumping into their latest Cinemabortion, “Killer Klowns From Outer Space”. In the end, Dan, Darin, Steffan and Mike play a surprising game of Fuck-Marry-Kill that may shed some light on what they really think about each other.
